Monday, September 12, 2005

That Name Game

there are 2 christian faiths aroun in der protestant world today...the true sufferin kind that the secular world loves to sling mud at and wat i call the 'pop christianity phenemenon' one has at places like, dare i say it, City Harvest and New Creation aka the Rock...

i saw a wonderful demonstration of a assembly line Baptismal service yesterday incorporatin the best of Henry Ford's mass production efforts with der Model T..there might as well have been a discman or mp3 playin "i baptise u in the name of the Father and The Son and the Holy Spirit" as many times as there were baptismal candidates...look i'm not sayin all this is bad..God's Kingdom can do with more than one kinda ministry style so u work ur side of the street while i work mine...that Christ may have mercy on us all and save our souls right?

before any of the members of these places do a Salmon Rushdie (noe who he is?) wanted list for mi, i want to ask a few questions...have you heard of John of the Cross? Theresa Avila? Thomas Kempis? Shusaku Endo? Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoevsky? Thomas Merton's The Seven Story Mountain? Dietrich Bon Hoeffer's The Cost of Discipleship? no? then u noe nothin of the other Christianity i mentioned earlier...and maybe u should find out what it means to be a Christian under the Nazis first by readin The Cost of Discipleship...then again, in this day and age when Christians read their Bibles durin Sunday(or Sat) service only, that would be askin too much of you right?

please dun get mi wrong...i love the Christians from City harvest whom i met...and i enjoyed the worship and to an extent, the preachin...but the execution lacks a certain, shall i say, finesse and ever so slightly offends my Christian tastes..its always been my sincere belief that Christ may have come to save sinners and prostitutes but He strangely never saw the need to adopt a prostitute's garb or a Tax-collector's speech..i wonder if we could be smarter than Him or we are simply bein 'too clever by half' as someone famous once said...

1 comment:

Rex said...

It's a messy church out there!