Saturday, September 06, 2008

A Short Script on Architecture, or A.U.C

i'm going to speak a bit about architecture and in fact, i think that i shall be doing more of these posts on my two twin loves, architecture and theology...i guess i should really stop posting stuff that tries too hard to please or that really does not show the full breadth of this self-deprecating person we know as Jonathan Chua..

About Art n Architecture:

i emphasize continuity with history and all its myriad successes and failings..thus, i support a contemporary interpretation of the Five Orders, arcading and a return to traditional models of space and a sense of place that our generation has lost under the influence of the Modernists.

i support the integration of Art and Architecture in different ways, from collage to integration wherein part reflects whole as whole reflects part..n i believe sincerely that Architecture must be returned to its rightful place as "Mother of the Arts"

we need to have a social n environmental conscience as Architects and Artists that reflects the precarious nature of the world we live in, with its countless (and senseless) wars and environmental pollution..thus the Architect must be reinstated in his role as mediator between the city and the natural, the urban and the forest..

i believe that for too long we have strayed from the path of balance, harmony, moderation, synthesis and integration and strove for extremes that hurt our built heritage, society and people.However, there is indeed a need to recognize self-organisation within the elements that are on the boundary between chaos and order develop self-organisation...these elements are found in our cities whether we like it or not..

finally, let us never forget our role of service to the people and society that commissions us...let us never get caught up in self-indulgent, self-aggrandising, egotistical schemes that glorify ourselves at the expense of our commissioners..however, let us also not adopt false humility as the Modernists did and strive for senseless automation and monotony that would destroy our profession and our art, if not our souls..

lets return to the ancient call of Ab Urbe Conditta..respecting the integrity of our cities and built environment rather than thrashing it..

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