Saturday, October 11, 2008


Over the past couple of weeks and days, i've been exposed to quite a few quotes that i've found inspirational or have reminded me of what God is like or what i should be like or why i perservere in the gospel and in my work..

The first is by Garage Hymnal in their album, Bring on the Day..I tell you ok, this Australian group is as good as Hillsongs or better...just that they're not known in Asia or anywhere else much...i delight in discovering lesser known bands like these and telling my closest friends about how good their music is..and of course, if u actually keep track of this blog then well, you're probably one of my close frens who gives a crap about my life..or mayb u're just nosy..anyways..
my quote from them is from their song, Promises...
"Not one of the promises
of God has ever failed
Not one, Not one"
God does not fail, especially in what He has promised in His, it is us, ungrateful and unfaithful human beings, who fail...and then we want to bring God down to our level by claiming that He has failed or is dead or does not exist...ridiculous arrogance..

my second quote is from today's lesson at Introduction to the Bible, Course 1 of the part-time, distance learning Certificate of Theology from Moore Theological College ..i tell you ok, i struggled to get out of bed at 8 am this morning after coming back from Sydney around 12 last nite with my frens (u noe who u are)..and after i finished class at 11am i came back n collapsed on my bed till 4 pm..
anyway, the quote is from my textbook, "those who receive God's gracious gift of redemption must respond in obedience. This is not only gratitude. It is the nature of redemption." Redeemed to obey? How interesting...

and my third quote is from Spain Rodriguez' Graphic Novel about the life of Che Guevarra (thats rite, it not a comic..comics are for and artists read Graphic Novels..whatever) if you think that i'm influenced by Christian teaching on obedience and the life of the great rebel, radical and revolutionary Che Guevarra and find that a contradiction in terms i'll say that obedience to God can and should be displayed in radical, revolutionary ways that shake the established order of things..but of course, only in so far as it is led by God's Spirit and Grace and not human strength...incidentally, the only 3 Socialists i've ever respected are Leon Trotsky, Che Guevarra and Wang Min, the CCP's representative to Comintern in the 1930s-40s, who was the last true chinese Marxist and the only Chinese Bolshevik who ever lived..
i have a few Guevarra quotes:
"i believe that the division of Latin America into unstable and illusory nations is completely fictional. We constitute a single mestizo race which from Mexico to the Magellan Strait bears ethnographic similarities. And so, in an attempt to rid myself of the weight of small minded provincialism, i propose a toast to a United Latin America!"

"To label 'communist' all those who refuse to bow down is an old dictator's trick."

"I believe that revolution can be created in any country by a determined vanguard"

"The dift towards Market Economies (in the former Soviet Bloc) is an error. After the closing of unprofitable factories in Yugoslavia, thousands of those workers were forced to leave their homes and look for work abroad."

don't get me worng..i'm no communist..but i like Guevarra, his courage to the end and his firm conictions in the face of all opposition..

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