Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Saying Wat u Mean?

I'm going to try an experiment here dat ties in with architecture, sociology and my interest in popular psychology..n i need e ladies to help mi out (e guys also, but deffinitely e ladies)

dis will probabli b a long-runnin thing dat stretches 50 plus years..haha..anywaez, answer this question..do women say what they mean? do men or women seem more susceptible to not-saying wat they mean? and, if there is a gender difference in dis, is it more or less pronounced in Christians (ok, i'll extend dis to pple of a moderate religious nature who believe in the divine and believe dat telling the truth is a good spiritual principle to live by)

man, it has been my personal intuitive suspicion for some time dat women do not say wat they mean many times...or rather, say wat they do not mean..of course i must qualify myself by sayin dis is prevalent(n predictable)only under certain circumstances..and dat men also do not say wat we mean..under a different set of circumstances..

dis is especially so where inter-personal relationships and frenships are concerned..not just romance but where a personal dimension is involved that means something to this hypothethical female person.. i noe i'm talkin rot (rather, writing it) but is there an element of truth in dis (no matter how small)?

but then, how do pple (males n females included) tell whether females are telling e truth? more importantli, how might we discern wat e lady realli thinks? dat, frenz..is e billion dollar question Mel Gibson found out in What Women Really Want..e only thing i can say is dat observation and intuition are skills gained n honed by experience..the greatest ally a guy has in dealin with e female species (besides God, who prefers to keep His own confidence in these matters) is observation n reflection..dat is equal to any female intuition..onli slower cos we r more logical..

y am i sayin all dis? its just a tot i want to get off my chest..with no relation to any characters, fictional or otherwise..but do mi e favour of chewin on dis guys, n remember e possibility of ur lady not talkin straight to ya in life..n learn to see wat is realli meant when she asks, "Am i Fat?" Cheers..

1 comment:

creature comfort said...

i ask a psychological question n a psycho givs a psycho ans..sweet...n charmin