Thursday, January 14, 2010

The banned P-word?

i was a bit apprehensive going to Shaun's for Bible study with people whom i've either not had Bible study with for some time(Shaun and Dene) or not had Bible study with before(James, Sam, Miss J and W). especially when you've brought along Mango salad crafted in your own HDB backyard kitchen..about 2 hours worth of washing, slicing, dicing, grating and tossing...i wasnt sure how well it would turn out but it apparently did go down well with all involved..praise God for that!

now study involved Phillipians 4:4-13, courtesy of James about rejoicing regardless of circumstance, whether with plenty or in need. i enjoyed the discussions involved, especially the off-tangent ones when Miss J and James talked about their banned P-word and then Miss W talking about the fact that its so hard telling people about Jesus maybe because God hasnt chosen them and then J and James started laughing..and then i got it! Pre-destination!! so thats what the P-word was, not some part of the male human anatomy..right!

James was very apprehensive talking about the P-word and God's sovereignty and his view was the moderate evangelical one that we meet God halfway..or maybe 60-40...70-30? there was some tossing up of God's sovereignty means man's powerlessness and inability to choose..and i told him that i didnt quite see it in that light. then we changed the subject hurriedly..whew! it seemed..

was it really a relief? well, yes and no. for some of us, i genuinely think that other topics would prove more beneficial to their immediate christian growth..for others however, clearing some of the misconceptions about Calvinism and the reformed view of God's Word would have been more helpful..but i agree that this was not the time to discuss the issue..

i like my singapore bible study has the flavour of Focus in Newcastle with people from different christian backgrounds and at different stages..and its non-denominational, by and for a group of christians truly keen to read God's Word and to live with Jesus as king (even though we may not use those exact words) and to share Jesus with our friends..whats not to be excited about?! especially in recent weeks i've been receiving some pretty discouraging stuff from friends like S and I and P who claim to be christian but have just shown in their living that they've got different priorities from the king of the universe..other not so positive stuff is Ian's Dad isnt too well and i'm praying for him..and i'm just discouraged by the state i've found my home church in Singapore in everytime i come back..well at least this week at church we'll be starting Bible study sessions on Saturday night..

so i Should rejoice in Jesus as i draw strength from Him, eh? cheers guys!

1 comment:

Soviet said...

good to hear u enjoyed yourself. I only read your blog so 'often' so sorry for the dated post. :P