I was away last weekend for Challenge Conference 2007...every year, Christians are asked if they would like to go for a conference that challenges them to full-time ministry...and i would say that i was really challenged and humbled by the experience....
Phil Jensen, dean of St Andrews Cathedral, Sydney, challenged Christians as to how we wanted to spend the rest of our lives..and n exposed greatly the lie behind materialism that runs this world..and the reality of the Christian gospel..
our conversations with fellow Christians who likewise were considerin the possiblity of full time Christian ministry sometime in their lives were realli helpful n encouragin...i saw how urgent was the need for ministers for the gospel...anywhere in the world and that the greatest duty of ministers was to train a new generation of ministers to carry on the preachin of the gospel..the scripture thus speaks of Paul trainin Timothy and raisin him like a son who in his turn trained others...the baton needs to be passed on...and i finally began to see the good that Dad had done in raisin mi as a Christian..
even though today i will say there are things i disagree with him from the pentecostal tradition in which i was raised....because i believe (and quote me on this) that the pentecostals are wrong and unbiblical about some things..especially predestination...but that is for another time..
i had a good talk with Greg about ministry on Sunday night also...in which i told him about all the brutal realities of ministry that only minister's children see and which no one tells you...and the pain and sacrifice involved...and he understood fully..finally i saw that neither Dad nor myself were alone..in 1 Corinthians Paul sheds tears over the people he pastored and the pain they caused him..and no one in ministry can be any different..
and now i begin to understand the costs and the suffering inherent...but also the great honour and privilege..and i thank God that there are Christians whom i can relate to in this area..men like Mark Driscoll whose video on You-tube, "A Good Soldier" i recommend highly..he famously said that modern men hav so many issues becomin Christian because they "dun want to worship a wimp they can beat up"..
i like Christians who dun mince words..because people are goin to hell due to the nice words that Christian ministers say..we need to read the Bible carefully...Jesus seldom says nice things...He says hard things that cause many to turn away..."For we did not preach the gospel with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power"...and again, "to what can I compare this generation?..they are like children in the streets who say, we played the flute for you and you did not dance, we sang a dirge and you did not cry"...no, friends, i now realise that Jesus said what was contrary to accepted wisdom and deeply unpopular..and this is integral to Christianity...only the Holy Spirit makes it palettable..
9 years ago
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