Saturday, December 26, 2009

Reflections on 09

09 is the year i graduated with my Bachelors (by God's grace, no room for pride) so it will be memorable for me, always.

Other reasons for remembering this year include getting together with Yueen Mun...i'm still getting used to my not being a single anymore so don't worry, you're not the only shocked one (whoever you are who's reading this, and if its Yueen Mun, hi there, i'm screwed i know)

09 was also memorable for a great NTE mission where i did my first talk before a youth group and discovered Andrew Reid and John Dickson at the 'Living for the King' conference. NTE is one of those rare opportunities to prepare and do a talk and get some preaching practice.

09 was also the year that i did New Testament 1 for the Moore College Provisional Training Certificate (PTC) and learnt just how provocative Jesus is and how much the king demands a decision whether we're for or against Him, without there being a middle ground. And so it was that i also decided to be more provocative for Jesus and less retreating.

09 was the year the Left learned that it couldnt rejoice at the collapse of markets and the Right learned that market liberalization is recipe for corruption. The Greens learned that rhetoric and scare tactics go only so far at Copenhagen and Climate-change Skeptics learned that Evangelical Christianity is not their friend after all. The scene is ripe for the second entrance of the King to restore order amid chaos.

Finally, 09 is the year when my carefully cultivated Christian cynicism took a blow when Charis Full Gospel Church began doing huge amounts of evangelism and not a few church members started living for Jesus Christ solely through the work of God's Spirit in their lives. God does change people and work without the input of men..i have been deeply humbled..ah humility! what an amazing discovery

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