n my fren's quote of CS Lewis brought it all bac today,"its not e experienced man who sees evil in everythin, but e novice"...n i remained true 2 e tenets of faith in all areas even durin e difficult army years(n dats not includin BMT which was n still is a walk in e park)..those were years of harrowin n winnowin dat led 2 a streamlined "Mere Christianity" dat Lewis wrote about..
n e stunnin realization dat if leaders r not hard-edged, its those they lead dat invariabli waver n fall...well, one of e goin rogue experiences was realisin dat many charismatic n pentecostal doctrines i did not quite agree with...e mainline dudes i support..esp on e emphasis on e Bible n e need 2 thoroughli substantiate prophecy on e Word..n e overemphasis on prosperity at e expense of e sufferings of Christ by us Charismatic/pentecostals...n e inadequacy of e link between worship n healin n Spiritual Gifts with the Person of Christ n His Cross..which is realli All dat matters...n e misguided theology of allowin certain ministers 2 annoint themselves apostles when Christ onli annointed 12 n no more (n 1 qualification is dat apostles write scripture, e other dat they've touched n seen Christ in e flesh-hmmm, any takers?)
i do believ dat God made it such dat "Every man has onli one destiny" in e words of e Godfather...one lover n wife, one life path, one faith....i juz dun agree when pple say dat i think God wants such n such for u...shd dat not b between God n u? i feel real sad when pple attribute say, e failure of one's church 2 b large n prosperous 2 some ingrain spiritual flaw or inadequacy..wat if God wanted dat 2 show His glory (e same wae He did with e man blind from birth in John's Gospel)
in my experiences, i found dat many times, Christians r allowed 2 suffer..sometimes without explaination...n God's view of justice may b very different from ours...not very poetic in dat...ask e babes who were killed by Herod's thugs...n God does hav favourites..ask Jacob, Joseph n David, not 2 mention Moses n even Jesus Himself..so den, enuff of dat bourgeois interpretation of scripture so prevalent in e churches of e developed world today..spare mi ur bourgeois morals bout stem cell research n contraception..if e Immaculate Conception of Christ were subject 2 Protestant Bioethics approval, Christ would never hav seen e light of day......
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