Tuesday, July 25, 2006

a Lamentation

when i feel down i listen 2 music that either 1) depicts my mood or 2) lifts up my mood...dats y i like complex tunes that on listenin, reveal different layers n many complex moods for all occasions..

if i had to choose a piece for my mood, it would eithr b Linkin Park's In The End or a realli sad chinese piece like Wu Bai's Tong Kun de Ren..

i cannot understand e mind of some of these young female things esp e ones in University n esp esp e one who juz broke my best fren's heart back home...taken for a ride? or simpli not good enuff? or e game is over n e player is due 2 b thrown out?

my fren's heart is not a wet piece of rag 2 b thrown aroun..neithr ismine or any other guys'..i seem 2 b more up in arms ovr dis issue den my best fren..i guess when i see his pain i think back on my own 'almost perfect' relationships that r so sad on their own..

dats y i closed e door on romantic involvement a while ago (earlier in e yr) n onli One Supreme Fren has the key...n dis is y I want 2 direct my energies to achievin somethin worthwhile in dis life n in Newcastle..becos like e Israelis, i noe dat for evrythin in life i hav ever truli wanted, i've had 2 fight hand, tooth, nail n claw for..as Golda Meir (one of e women I respect e most) said, e world will stand n watch Jewish blood bein spilled n do nothin..we hav to do somethin for our own pple..n dat has made mi realise dat we hav 2 safeguard our interests in life..esp affairs of e heart..

well, i can onli cry for my fren n pray for him...n vow dat one day, we who crawl on our bellies in e dust will rise up to rule e universe...

Bronchial Troubles

its strange when optimal levels of efficiency n work r just missed completeli due to poor health..everywhere round the world children in Africa, adults in overcrowded Tokyo n underdeveloped Rio De Janeiro , even obese adolescents in the great land of opportunity, The US of A, r succumbin to bouts of sickness n ill-health that impedes e global Gross Domestic Output added togethr...

n these past few weeks, i've joined their ranks...my work is impeded by e terribl fact dat my ol' Bronchial troubles with e horribl hackin dry cough n obsceneli-coloured phelgm as well as wheezin n congested air passages hav returned in force...with e onset of a Mid-year winter dats a unique characrteristic of e southern hemisphere..

ah well, efficiency goes down n spendin on medication increases..i now noe e importance of havin an effectiv n well-tot out(indeed, fully rational) medical/healthcare system..my appointment with the Campus Doctor aka Medical Centre is scheduled for Thurs n i've 2 wait till den to get some proper medication abov e cough lozenge sort sold over e counter here...i guess dats due to e fact dat its free..so i can't complain (onli e consultation; e medicine is a different story n for which i'll hav 2 crawl half-dead n wheezin 3 km away frm my home2 get frm e nearest pharmacy...wat r e odds of dyin before i reach, i truli wonder?)

well, on e bright side...it is good 2 abl 2 see a doctor at all when sick kids in China's Anzhou provinces hav onli far-flung Chinese Physicians (not dat i'm despisin them but e medication takes weird forms n tastes while takin foreva 2 work--as all traditional n alternativ natural medicines do...lengthy time is needed for discernibl effect)..so then, i try 2 temper my Singaporean trait for complainin with a slight dose of reality n awareness..

but dis still does not detract frm e misery inflicted on my throat n air sacs of the vascular system by each consecutiv wreckin cough..like an ancient Ottoman cannon blowin holes in Constantinople's walls, i wonder if e walls of my lungs can withstand dis Battle of Lungs Deep...i betta stop complainin n start prayin in faith for healin..

Saturday, July 22, 2006

About First Weeks

1st weeks r supposed 2 b relaxin where a student is eased into e work expected of him or her in e rest of e semester..n where unsuspectingli, he or she is gradualli lowered in2 a pot of boilin fat..but not dis time in my case..

a 1st assignment given on e 1st day of sch n due on e first lesson of e term(thurs) was dropped on us like 'Fat Boy' bein dropped on e unwittin inhabitants of Hiroshima...n i prepared for it e way a guy who's just dug his trench is told dat an attack is underway n he'll hav 2 do his best 2 defend wat he just dug..which is not much..

to e day i die i'll never b convinced dat teachers r not rubbin their hands in glee at e tot of bein able 2 catch students unawares (with their pants down so 2 speak) so dat we might b failed n hav our lives ruined n our futures lookin as bright as e nearest garbage can collector's..y can't we ever hav teachers like Frank McCourt..who would tell his students to clear e tables n chairs n lie on e floor in e dark for a whole period..as a primer for an important lesson..

well, i believe it'll onli get worse with deadlines n workload overpiled from floor to ceilin..well, i've resolved several things dis sem..gettin my first distinctions inc 1 for design..e holy grail of respectability for an archi student..no, not quite..High distinction is e holy grail..n workin out 3 times a week..n gettin my drivin licence in australia..plus more involvment in SSA n FOCUS/NCS work..quite a load..

n tryin 2 be a bit more net-savvy..even goin on msn n skype more..juz to keep in touch with e guys n close frens back home..n in other parts of Australia..well e onli thing 2 look forward 2 is Autonomy Day next Thurs..we'll see how dat goes n i'll explain wat e hell dat is in e days ahead..

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Alternate Persona Jon

i speak black words...wat they call a split personality disorder comes back 2 haunt these posts..

speech must b rational? but i'm delirious..so easy 2 let go..pages fly upwards or up words..n i see clear thru dark mists in foggy depths..e road said 50 km to Taree n i'm travellin on e sign post far away..

Rosevelt married his cousin n Theodore was his grandfather..so who r u? so speedy was the animal dat swung from the fence to the tree dat she was clobbered..Animal!!! like a cat or dog u thinks..but yes, its neithr cat and dog..but strangelove..Dr Strangelove

my fren does wrong things..smart wrong things..or stupid rite things? snares sugar in spring traps n lookin for love in all e wrong places while e days get cold n dull n e stars fall from e sky n e sons of e mud rise up 2 claim thin air n red giants..the man crossed the road to loud applause..is dat wat e CIA wanted?

money worries n bad gals who try e good game with good boys gone bad tell e story of a life unravellin..ripped up n thrown into e guts of some deep sea urchin dat shoots fire..many times unknown statues rise n de-errect n i no longer like Ecclesiastical Kingdoms..Babylon e Great has fallen n her works r overturned!

breakin news in e wide world causes narrow grief...n i wonder wat evil is dat often goes worser n worser till it becomes worstest...n a tale of 2 cities becomes e norm..1 town Rome n e othr declinin Spain while the sun shines n earth spins out out out..no orbit or chaos..order inverse no less..or more..

i see clearli again..flatline submarine...

Monday, July 17, 2006

Return 2 Winter

apologies for dat long lull in blog-postin but e tot of stayin home longer than i should juz 2 post somethin when i could b out with e bros n frens was just not appealin..

now i've returned 2 Australia..with e colds n lows (but thankfulli no snows) of re-newed uni life..darn u blokes at NUS, NTU n SMU who hav till August lor..but it was a good time we all had durin those 4 weeks..

watchin late nite or rather early-mornin soccer with Kian n also with Fuzz n YK followed by sleepin on e couch till 12 noon was realli WANTON decadence on a grand scale la!! n then there was e trip 2
Bintan which realli re-awakened dat love for e sun, sand n sea dat i had in secondary sch...realli tropical holiday style ala xia ri mo mo cha..dat was shiok man..

now, e return 2 Australia was fraught with some confusion n animosity(2wards my travel agent) but dats been forgotten a great deal by e excellent Wintercon '06 camp..i'm truli impressed..from e viewpoint of both a Christian n e viewpoint of an events planner..if e SSA Newcastle could b half as competent n professional, we'd begin 2 b a trulli representative body for Singaporeans..

e onli disappointment for mi was e fact dat neither Germany nor Holland managed 2 hold e cup aloft this time in Dortsmund, Germany...n dat e semi-finals n finals were both completely European line-ups..but still, Italy deserved dat win..e French were truli let down by Barthez (even if Zidane had taken a penalty shot n got it in, Barthez would still b e weakest link lettin France down)..but its been a great run for teams like Argentina, Holland n England(if onli they had been more inspired/hungry)

n to my christian frens, i've got 2 end with a great tesimony..my fren Kian, whom Richard n mi hav been prayin for since our army days 2 b saved...n whose sister became a christian in e US..brought along his g/f to meet us 1 nite outin...n it seems she's christian as well..dis wd make no sense if we had not been prayin for him 2 b surrounded by Christian frens who wd b an excellent christian witness in his life..all i can say is dat e Falaise Gap is closin rapidli (if u noe dat historical episode from WW2)..so then, e joy of a fren is my joy..n in our joy, e angels were silent...